How To Add A Script Exclusion For Avast For Mac


Active1 year, 1 month ago

I cannot find any specific way to bring up a place where I can put paths/ folders that I wish to exclude from BitDefender.

The best part of Avast Free Mac Security is their mac viruses is reaching 100 percent of on-demand malware (detected during an active scan) and 98.9 percent of on-access malware (detected as a file is opened, executed or downloaded).

Is this not allowed in the free edition or it's hidden at some place that I cannot find.

Alex SAlex S
6011 gold badge10 silver badges33 bronze badges

1 Answer

Upon chatting with their Technical Support on this link:

They do not at the moment support this or plan to in the future.

We got this answer:

Liviu A. (12:32:18) : Ax, I would like to inform you that you can not add any exceptions on Antivirus free edition.

Liviu A. (12:33:16) : The Bitdefender Antivirus free edition works as a basic scanner.

Even if there are false positives, they will not add a simple mechanism like this.


Ax (12:33:22) : Yes, but most other Free Editions from other companies allow us to add exceptions

Ax (12:33:46) : Exclude folders, especially since your tool is marking False Positives

Liviu A. (12:35:31) : I understand the situation, but Bitdefender antivirus free does not have the option to exclude files and folders.

Ax (12:35:58) : And there is no plan to change this in future.

Ax (12:36:40) : ?

Liviu A. (12:37:17) : Not as I am aware.

Ax (12:37:14) : Thank you. That will be all.


How To Add A Script Exclusion For Avast For Mac Review

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Alex SAlex S
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