Avast Cleanup Pro For Mac Is Worth It


To uninstall Avast Cleanup Pro, follow these steps: Click the Avast Cleanup Pro icon on your menu bar and select Open Avast Cleanup Pro. Click AvastCleanup on the menu bar and select Uninstall Avast Cleanup Pro from the context menu. In the Avast Cleanup Pro Uninstaller dialog, click Continue. Enter your system credentials, then click OK. Avast Pro Antivirus 2017 offers the same wealth of features as its free edition, and not a lot more. It's an excellent product, but for most people the free version will suffice.

Posted by2 years ago

I see this thread talk something about Avast Cleanup in this sub for long time ago but I can't find any thread discuss it is good or bad software. I think someone in /r/Techsupport can give me some advice.


I'm using Avast(free version) for anti-virus program. It scan and report me that my win7 computer have performance issues. I try use it fix that for me but it look like i need to pay for subscription to use Avast Cleanup.

I'm interesting in System Setting feature from Avast Cleanup. Here is the list of tweak in this section.

Services Tuning

Avast Cleanup Pro For Mac Is Worth It
  • Iphlpsvc(undefinediphlpsvc)

System Tweaks

  • Allow Multiple T S Sessions(disable fast user switching)

  • Win32 Priority Seperation(set CPU priority to prefer foreground apps)

Avast Cleanup Reviews

User Tweaks

  • Foreground Lock Timeout

  • Hung App Timeout

  • Low Level Hooks Timeout(similar to WaitToKillServiceTimeout, but not for shutdown)

  • Menu Show Delay

  • Wait To Kill App Timeout

  • Wait To Kill Service Timeout

  • Beep(disable beeping on errors)

Avast Cleanup Download

  • Extended Sounds(disable beeping on errors)

  • No Internet Open With(disable contacting the Microsoft web service to resolve file association)

Disk Cleanup Pro For Mac

  • No Resolve Track(disable usage of NTFS tracking feature for LNK resolution)

Avast Cleanup Pro For Mac Is Worth It


I try to google about it and test some tweak from internet. Finally, I found that what System Setting do is the same thing as free Windows 7 Registry Tweak. So I think it's not good idea to buy for this thing.

Any idea about it? I'm not sure that i'm correct.(maybe i miss something)

Is Avast Premium Worth It